Research Opportunities

Consider participating in the following research studies to aid and assist in the growing literature of education and other related fields.

University/InstitutionResearch TopicStudy InformationResearch Study Link
West Texas A&M University

Posted: 7/22/2024
Bilingual Evaluator Perceptions of the WJ-IV OL & WJ-IV CogThe study examines perceptions of bilingual school psychologists when using the Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive and the Woodcock-Johnson IV Oral Language to assess SPED eligibility of culturally and linguistically diverse learners (ESL, multicultural, etc.).Target Group:
Currently practicing bilingual school psychologists and those school psychologists who evaluate ESL or multicultural students in the public school system

15-20 minute online survey:

Contact: Elizabeth Hatala,
University of Denver

Posted: 7/22/2024
A Guidance Practice Model: Reframing Prevention, Identification, and Treatment of Trauma-Impacted Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesThe purpose of this study is to investigate and better understand the current expertise and practice among school psychologists across treatment settings, regarding the prevention, identification, and treatment of trauma-based and related mental health concerns among students with intellectual disabilities (ID).Target Group:
Practicing School Psychologists

Online Survey:

Contact: Mark Thomas,
Indiana University

Posted: 6/11/2024
School Psychologists’ Perceptions of Special Education EligibilitySchool psychologists can play an important role in determining which students are identified as being eligible for special education. This study aims to better understand the ways in which school psychologists conceptualize potential student evaluations.Target Group:
Practicing School Psychologists

15-25 minute online survey where participants will have the option to be entered into a prize drawing to win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards


Contact: Elizabeth Melfi,
University of Florida

Posted: 5/30/2024
Examining School Psychologists’ Involvement in Transition Planning for Students with High Incidence DisabilitiesThis study will evaluate school psychologists’ involvement in IEP transition planning for middle and high school students with specific learning disabilities and/or students with emotional behavioral disabilities.Target Group:
Practicing School Psychologists

10 minute online survey


Contact: Bradley Minotti,

If you are a University Faculty, Research Assistant, or Graduate Student interested in disseminating your research, please use the following contact form so MASP can include your study on this site. Studies will be posted for two months before removal. Please reach out to for any questions or to request additional posting time.

Research Dissemination Request Form

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